Thursday, September 20, 2012

Rumors of Alien Attack

My previous article stated that China and the US Navy have joined forces to battle a common threat, extraterrestrials. Once I did some more research I have made a conclusion, yes I believe "aliens" live in the ocean but do I think all are dangerous? No! Its like saying that all humans are dangerous, we can not speculate such a theory. I strongly believe that in every race their are good and bad, why would aliens be any different?

I think someone saw something they couldn't explain in the ocean and automatically blamed aliens, whats new??? Just because we do not understand the ocean does not mean danger is there. The ocean is so large that we only know 10% of the ocean and its creatures. Who are we to say we aren't the aliens? There we creatures here way before us so technically we can be considered aliens.

Do I think some aliens are here to harm us? YES! but wouldn't you be mad if humans were held captive and subject to experiment? I know I would so of course they are mad at us(by us I mean the government). I have alot of my own theories but I will go into it at a later point. Once the government chooses to tell the truth, I hope we all stay calm and dont try to kill these aliens. Even if we try I believe they have superior technology so we will have a hard time. Why can't we learn from one another and put our differences aside?

Here is a link so you can check out some chats about the Chinese and US Navy ships going after ETS...Have fun

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