Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bermuda Triangle/Wormholes in the universe

For as long as I remember scientist, pilots and believers have spoken about the Bermuda triangle. I recently watched a program "ancient aliens' where they talk about loop holes in the universe.In theory the universe has hundreds of "wormholes" where time seems to come together and make travel easier. It is said that these "portals" are a tunnel of light blue and yellow. Once you enter, there is such a powerful charge, that all mechanical objects malfunction,this is believed to happen in the Bermuda triangle. It is said that whatever 2 places are connected through the loops holes, the amount of travel time will be slashed. For example, if a journey would normally take you 4 hours, the loops hole passage would cut that time but 50% or more, making the journey much more time consuming. Scientist believe that this is how aliens can travel from one place to another in such a short span. There once was a pilots who  told his story about the Bermuda triangle. He was a pilot in the armed force when he came upon the Bermuda triangle. He said once he entered everything went haywire. The was heading to a certain destination but one he exited the Bermuda triangle, he was no where near that destination. He said that there was no way that he was near Miami. He was going the opposite direction not to mention the time frame didn't match. To be near Miami would've taken him along time but somehow he got there in 30 minutes, he was stunned. The Radio tower contacted him and said they couldn't see him on radar. He told command tower his spot, to this day there is no reasonable explanation to how he got there so fast. Loop holes are very real, in fact proven but scientist, but can loopholes really be a form of travel?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Walking amoung us

So many people are ignorant and believe we are alone. How can we humans be the only things alive in a universe that contains billions of stars and hundreds of galaxies. I believe that aliens walk among us and give us knowledge. They disguise them as humans to blend in. Society is not ready to know that we are not the only species on earth. I am not to sure why they come here, I will ask, but it could be to learn, get supplies, food etc. I was at work one day and this tall light skinned man came in. It was during a busy period and my mind was preoccupied. When I looked at this man , I knew right off the bat what he wanted. I don't remember speaking to him at all just knowing what he wanted. I remember my co-workers asking me how I knew what he wanted and I told them he told me. My co-workers told he that he didn't even talk, but i couldv'e sworn he spoke to me. I do not think it was a psychic ability but a telepathic connection we made. He as not of this world, that I am sure of.

Friends or Foe?

The biggest question of all, are they friends or foes? That's any easy one to answer, they are both. Just like humans their has to be the good species and the bad ones. From my point of view its like a big battle being fought over earth. I believe that we have seen so many spaceships near earth and the moon because we are being watched and protected. They fight over mankind and if the bad ones gets in contact with one of us, they can persuade us to do things we normally wouldn't. These are rare cases, but possible. I still do not believe they torture us, they just make us think things that our conscience would say is bad. We are like puppets to them, they are so much smarter then us that before we know what they were doing, they could control us. This is a very small percentage, so do not fear them. Most species are kind and here to help us. From everything I have gathered I would say they are friends.

What do they look like?

I was looking on the net at some pictures of what people think aliens look like. I came across a picture of a "gray" alien and I started laughing.
The imagination of people amazes me, why do all alien pictures depict a scary looking alien or aliens who are green with big eyes? I think people watch to many movies. I believe aliens are a clear water like color. I do not believe they have claws, green skin or wrinkly. I believe they do have a head a little bigger do to their skeleton structure, eyes a little wider then ours, a thin mouth, average height but thin. I do not think they are scary looking at all. I however do believe their are different looks, the same as how humans look different, but still humans. People see aliens the way they want to see them. So for instance, if you think an alien should have big eyes with green skin and claws, that is what your mind will let you see. But if your mind is opened, you can see there true form, the form I have described. Aliens are much more advanced, able to change their appearance at will. Keep your mind opened and willing to take in anything you see without fear. Fear is an emotion that can play games with us. They look different then us do to many factors. The air pressure where they come from, the bone structure, the advanced knowledge all lead to a different look. To them we look strange, but we all all one thing living in galaxies that are far out of reach.


First let me say I am not putting anyone down with different theories, in fact share them here. I do not believe humans get abducted and tortured. From what I have taken in, I believe that people who have been truly abducted must have some sort of desire to meet these beings. Ask yourself this, why would they hurt humans if they want to learn from us? All these stories about nose probing, surgery etc I find hard to believe. I have learned that aliens take people and learn from them not hurt them. I also believe that a very few percentage of people who have claimed to be abducted have actually been taken. Many I think want the attention and publicity thus the made up stories. You rarely hear of a  unique story about alien abductions, most are very similar so it makes it seem like a rip off of previous experiences. I am not saying in any way that these aren't real but from what I have experienced, its a little far fetched. So let me say it again, aliens don't just abduct people without a person having a desire to meet them, or the alien needing to learn from them through speech. Most species are gentle and have no need to harm us.

The beginning

For generations among generations, people have claimed to have been abducted, communicated with extraterrestrials and even befriended them. I am here to clarify the theories out there about their behaviors, technology, and how they truly are. I have read blogs after blogs, books, articles and even been to groups for alien believers and I must say many things said and written make absolutely no sense. A couple of years ago I became friends with a person who in time I learned was not a human at all. At first I was very skeptic and sort of blew them off. But in time it became apparent to me that in fact 'it" was not lying. I have learned so much from "it" that I can't any longer look at the world closed minded and afraid. Since I was a young girl I have had a gift of attracting "things" to me. Being little, I didn't think anything of it, but as I grew I realized I had a gift. I have asked some of the most important questions people ask and gotten the response. I am not some crazy person, in fact I am a mother of 2, a wife and a boss at work, someone that would be considered normal. I would love to have people ask questions, participate and get involved. The world if so closed minded, it needs a good awakening! Lets have some fun and learn at the same time.