Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Friends or Foe?

The biggest question of all, are they friends or foes? That's any easy one to answer, they are both. Just like humans their has to be the good species and the bad ones. From my point of view its like a big battle being fought over earth. I believe that we have seen so many spaceships near earth and the moon because we are being watched and protected. They fight over mankind and if the bad ones gets in contact with one of us, they can persuade us to do things we normally wouldn't. These are rare cases, but possible. I still do not believe they torture us, they just make us think things that our conscience would say is bad. We are like puppets to them, they are so much smarter then us that before we know what they were doing, they could control us. This is a very small percentage, so do not fear them. Most species are kind and here to help us. From everything I have gathered I would say they are friends.

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